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유료 도라지 뿌리의 향기성분에 관하여  국내 
한국식품영양과학회지 1987
도라지 뿌리의 향기성분을 규명하고자 도라지 뿌리의 향기성분을 상압 수증기 증류법으로 포집하여 중성, 염기성, 약산성 및 산성성분으로 분획하였다. Diazomethane 법으로 methyl ester 화한 산성부분을 위시한 4부분은 모세관 c...
유료 인삼, 사삼 (沙蔘) 및 도라지의 전기영동에 의한 단백질 패턴과 분자량  국내 
한국작물학회지 1985
乾燥粉末상태의 人蔘 및 類似 宿根性 植物間의 區別方法올 確立하기 위하여 단백질 추출과 분리 방법을 달리하여 전기영동법에 의해 各 植物의 蛋白質 pattern 및 分子量을 推定하였던바 그 結果를 要約 하면 다음과 같다. 1. 蛋白質分離는 증...
유료 도라지 뿌리 중의 지질 구성성분에 관한 연구  국내 
한국식품영양과학회지 1975
1.Platycodon 파에서 抽出한 粗脂質은 粘稠性이 있고 도라지 고유의 냄새(향기)를 가진 黃揭色液 이었다. 2.Platycodon glaucum으] N. L 는 T. G 가 77.3% 로 主成分은 palmitic acid, Rt 26...
유료 Response Surface Methodology to Optimize Enzymatic Preparation of Deapio-Platycodin D and Platycodin D from Radix Platycodi   국내 
International journal of molecular sciences 2012
In the present work, we reported the enzymatic preparation of deapio-platycodin D (dPD) and platycodin D (PD) optimized by response su...
유료 HPLC-ELSD analysis of 18 platycosides from balloon flower roots (Platycodi Radix) sourced from various regions in Korea and geographical clustering of the cultivation areas   국내 
Food chemistry 2011
An effective HPLC method to analyse platycosides from the balloon flower root was developed using ELSD. The optimum resolution of the ...
유료 Preparative separation of minor saponins from Platycodi Radix by high-speed counter-current chromatography   국내 
Journal of separation science 2011
Platycosides (PSs), the saponins found in the root of Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. (Platycodi Radix), are typically composed...
유료 A homogalacturonan from the radix of Platycodon grandiflorum and the anti-angiogenesis activity of poly-/oligogalacturonic acids derived therefrom   국내 
Carbohydrate research 2011
A polysaccharide, PGA4-3b, with an average molecular weight of 8.9 kDa estimated by high-performance gel-permeation chromatography (HP...
유료 Development and optimization of a method for the separation of platycosides in Platycodi Radix by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography with mass spectrometric detection   국내 
Journal of chromatography a 2010
Comprehensive two-dimensional chromatography (LC x LC) using combinations of two columns (C(18) x CN and C(18) x NH(2)) was employed w...
유료 Platycodin D and 2 ``-o-acetyl-polygalacin D2 isolated from Platycodon grandiflorum protect ischemia/reperfusion injury in the gerbil hippocampus   국내 
Brain research 2009
Platycodi radix is used as a folk remedy for several conditions. In this study, we investigated the neuroprotective effects of five ma...
유료 Preparative Isolation of Six Major Saponins from Platycodi Radix by High-speed Counter-current Chromatography   국내 
Phytochemical analysis 2009
Introduction -Platycosides, the primary constituents of Platycodi Radix, are known to have numerous and varied biological activities, ...
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