Inhibition of aflatoxin-producing fungi by Welsh onion extracts
Journal of food protection 1999
Welsh onion ethanol extracts were tested for their inhibitory activity against the growth and aflatoxin production of Aspergillus flav...
An antifungal compound from roots of Welsh onion
Phytochemistry 1999
A novel antifungal compound, fistulosin (octadecyl 3-hydroxyindole), was isolated from roots of Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.), an...
Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L) extracts Alter vascular responses in rat aortae
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology 1999
Welsh onion, a member of the genus Allium, has been consumed for prevention of cardiovascular disorders. However, its underlying mecha...
Isolation and activity of N-p-coumaroyltyramine, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor in Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum)
Bioscience biotechnology and biochemistry 1999
Activities of superoxide-dismutase (SOD), catalase (C-ase), peroxidase (P-ase) and glutathione-peroxidase (GP-ase) were investigated i...
Crop protection 1995
A phenolic amide, N-p-coumaroyltyramine (1), was isolated as an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor from methanol extracts of Welsh onion (All...
만추대 다수성 파 신품종 "여명"
한국육종학회지 2011
``Yeomyeong``, a new welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) variety, is developed by the Bioenergy Crop Research Center, NICS, RDA in 2004...
Occurrence of Anthracnose on Welsh Onion Caused by Colletotrichum circinans
Mycobiology 2008
Anthracnose occurred frequently on leaf sheaths of Welsh onions grown in Gangwha island, Korea in November, 2007. The disease incidenc...
파에서 파밤나방 요방제 수준 설정
한국응용곤충학회지 2007
대파에서 파밤나방의 접종시기와 접종량에 따른 피해엽율을 조사하고 수량과 관계를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 파밤나방의 접종시기별 피해엽율은 정식 5일째(1차 접종)의 경우 20주에 40마리 접종과 5마리 접종에서 9월 7일에 각각 33.5%...
Evaluation of the interspecific hybrids between Allium cepa L. and A. fistulosum L.
한국육종학회지 2004
Interspecific hybrids between onion (Allium cepa L.) and green onion (Allium fistulosum L.) were produced using pistillate
parents of...
구자, 총실 및 양총실의 형태 감별에 관한 연구
대한본초학회지(본초분과학회지) 2004
부추(구자) Allium tuberosum Rottler. 파(총실) A. fistulosum Linne 및 양파(총실) A. cepa Linne 의 종자를 수집하여 각각의 외부, 내부 및 분말 형태에 대해 광학 현미경 검사를 하여 다음과 ...