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  • 대파 논문정보 (총170건)
유료 Effect of gamma-irradiation on volatile compounds of dried Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.)   국내 
Radiation physics and chemistry 2006
The volatile compounds of gamma-irradiated dried Welsh onion were isolated by simultaneous distillation-extraction (SDE) technique and...
유료 Considerable heterogeneity in commercial F1 varieties of bunching onion (Allium fistulosum) and proposal of breeding scheme for conferring variety traceability using SSR markers   국내 
Breeding science 2006
DNA markers are powerful tools for verifying the varietal identity and genetic homogeneity of F-1 hybrid seeds. F-1 varieties are beco...
유료 Analysis of pesticides including chlorine in welsh onions and mushrooms using gas chromatograph with an atomic emission detector (GC-AED)   국내 
Journal of the food hygienic society of japan 2004
An analytical method for the determination of 32 kinds of pesticide residues in onions, Welsh onions and mushrooms using gas chromatog...
유료 Nuclear morphology, polyploidy, and chromatin elimination in tissue culture of Allium fistulosum L.   국내 
Acta societatis botanicorum poloniae 2003
The morphology of cell nuclei in callus obtained from root-tip meristems of Allium fistulosum L. (Monocotyledoneae, Alliaceae) was ana...
유료 Determination of organophosphorus pesticide residues in onion and welsh onion by gas chromatography with pulsed flame photometric detector   국내 
Journal of pesticide science 2003
A rapid gas chromatographic method for determining organophosphorus pesticide residues in allium such as onion and welsh onion contain...
유료 Volatile flavor compounds from Allium fistulosum L.   국내 
Journal of essential oil research 2000
Capillary gas chromatography and GC/MS were used to analyse the volatile flavor compounds of Allium fistulosum L. grown in Cuba. A tot...
유료 Cytogenetic relationship between Allium fistulosum L. and A-schoenoprasum L.   국내 
Journal of the japanese society for horticultural science 1999
Interspecific hybrids between Allium fistulosum L. (2n = 16) and A. schoenoprasum L. (2n = 16) which are classified to different secti...
유료 Isozyme and RAPD markers linked to fertility restoring gene for cytoplasmic male sterile Allium fistulosum L. with cytoplasm of A-galanthum Kar. et Kir.   국내 
Journal of the japanese society for horticultural science 1999
To develop the genetic markers linked to the fertility restoring gene (Rf) found in continuous backcross progenies between Allium gaia...
유료 Fertility of alien monosomic addition lines of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) with extra chromosomes from shallot (A-cepa L-Aggregatum group)   국내 
Journal of the japanese society for horticultural science 1999
In a series of alien monosomic addition lines (AMALs; FF+1A- FF+8A) of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) with extra chrom...
유료 Transmission rates of extra chromosomes in alien monosomic addition lines of Japanese bunching onion with extra chromosomes from shallot   국내 
Journal of the japanese society for horticultural science 1999
In a series of alien monosomic addition lines (AMALs, FF+nA, 2n=17) of Allium fistulosum L. with extra chromosomes from A. cepa L. Agg...
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