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  • 관련논문
Geniposide, an Iridoid Glucoside Derived from Gardenia jasminoides, Protects against Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice Planta medica( 2012, 78(6); 557-564 )
Geniposide, a main iridoid glucoside component of gardenia fruit, has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory activity. However, its potential use for acute lung injury (ALI) has not yet been studied. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory properties of geniposide using a mouse...
Geniposide from Gardenia jasminoides attenuates neuronal cell death in oxygen and glucose deprivation-exposed rat hippocampal slice culture Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin( 2006, 29(1); 174-176 )
Geniposide from Gardenia jasminoides protected neuronal cells from damage in oxygen and glucose deprivation-exposed hippocampal slice culture. Geniposide showed a greater protective effect on the granule cell layer than on the pyramidal cell layer including CA 1 and CA 3. On the basis of the experi...
Modulation of cytochrome P-450-dependent monooxygenases, glutathione and glutathione S-transferase in rat liver by geniposide from Gardenia jasminoides Food and chemical toxicology( 1997, 35(10-11); 957-965 )
Geniposide is an iridoid glycoside extracted from the fruits of Gardenia jasminoides, which are used as a food colorant and as a traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of hepatic and inflammatory diseases. The effects of geniposide and G. jasminoides fruit crude extract on liver cytochrome P-45...
  • 관련자원
두충은 두충나무과(Eucommia)에 속하는 두충(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv) 나무의 껍질을 말린 약재이다. 이명으로는 杜仲(두중) 思仲(사중), 思仙(사선), 木棉(목면), 檰(면) 등이 있다. 두충나무의 높이는 10m이고 수피는 갈색을 띠는 회백색이고 가지가 많이 갈라진다. 원산지는 중국으로 중국 ...
논문 : 66건   특허 : 95
꼭두선이과 (Rubioideae)에 속한 상록관목인 치자나무(Gardenia jasminoides Ellis var. jasminoides)로 치자는 성숙한 과실을 건조한 것이다. 종소명의 `jasminoides`는 `재스민과 향이 비슷하다`에서 유래되었다. 우리나라에서는 1500년경 중국에서 도입하여 남부지방에서...
논문 : 156건   특허 : 131