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생약명 백선피
학명 Dictamnus albus  Linné
분류군 운향과 (Rutaceae
효능 뿌리 : 해열, 항균작용, 혈압조절, 당뇨, 냉증, 천식, 비염, 기관지염, 장염, 관절염, 아토피성 피부염, 탈모 예방
기능성성분 dictamine, dictamonolactone, obaculactone, limonin 등,
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  • 백선은 산록에 나는 다년초. 키 60~80cm. 뿌리는 흰색, 비대함. 줄기는 튼튼하고 크며, 곧게 서고, 윗부분에 털이 퍼져 남. 잎은 깃꼴겹잎, 중간축에 좁은 날개가 붙음. 작은 잎은 2~4쌍, 난형, 타원형, 가장자리에는 톱니가 있고, 표면에 투명한 작은 선점이 있음. 꽃은 흰색, 연한 붉은색, 줄기 끝에 총상화서로 달림. 꽃자루와 포에 강한 냄새를 내는 선점이 있음. 꽃받침은 5장, 피침형, 끝이 뾰족하고, 꽃잎은 홍자색 줄이 있으며, 5장, 긴 타원형, 길이 4cm 가량, 밑으로 갈수록 좁아짐. 10개의 수술과 1개의 암술 끝이 위를 향하여 구부러짐. 열매는 삭과, 납작하고, 익으면 5갈래로 갈라짐.
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유료 Isolation and Characterization of Antitumor Agents from Dictamnus albus   국내 
생약학회지 2006
This study was carried out to find new antitumor agents from plant resource. Three cytotoxic agents were isolated from the root of Dic...
유료 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitory Coumarins from the Aerial Parts of Dictamnus albus  국외 
Archives of pharmacal research 2006
The methanol extract from the aerial parts of Dictamnus albus was active in inhibiting monoamine oxidase (MAO) from the mouse brain. A...
유료 The correct name for the white-flowered variant of Dictamnus albus L. (Rutaceae)   국외 
Contribuţii botanice 2020
n this paper we explore Linnaeus`s use of the name Dictamnus albus L. (Purple Dittany, Burning Bush) which distinguished this species ...
유료 A New Glavonoid Glycoside from Dictamnus albus  국내 
Journal of natural products 1989
A new flavonoid glycoside, luteolin 3`, 4`-dimethyl ether-7-0-fl-D-methylglucuronide[1] was isolated from the leaves of Dictamnus albu...
유료 Chemical composition of Dictamnus albus L. essential oil from Serbia   국외 
Agro food industry hi-tech 2012
The purpose of this study was to investigate chemical composition of the essential oil of Dictamnus albus L. The analyses of the oil ...
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