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  • 멀구슬 논문정보 (총92건)
유료 Clonal strategies of a woody weed: Melia azedarach   국내 
Plant and soil 1999
Melia azedarach L., a weedy tree that typically reproduces by seeds, may exhibit clonal growth following disturbance (e.g. fire, herbi...
유료 Purification of the phytoplasma associated with China-tree (Melia azedarach L) decline and the production of a polyclonal antiserum for its detection   국내 
Journal of phytopathology-phytopathologische zeitschrift 1996
China-tree or paraiso (Media azedarach) decline, caused by a phytoplasma, is a disease in Argentina for which hitherte no diagnostic r...
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