오존에 노출된 덩굴식물류, 쇠뜨기, 쑥의 광색소 함량과 SOD 활성 변화 (Photosynthetic Pigment Concentrations and Changes of SOD Activities on Liana, Equisetum Arvense and Artemisia Princeps Exposured to Ozone)
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쇠뜨기(問荊)가 DSS로 유발한 궤양성 대장염 생쥐모델에 미치는 항염증 효과 (Anti-inflammatory Effect of Equisetum Arvense on DSS-induced Ulcerative Colitis in a Mouse Model)
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쇠뜨기(Equisetum arvense L.)를 이용한 비소오염토양 정화효율평가
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쇠뜨기 추출물의 항산화 작용에 관한 연구(I)(Evaluation of Antioxidant Potential of Extract/Fractions of Equisetum arvense (I)
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쇠뜨기(Equisetum arvense) 생식줄기와 영양줄기의 생리활성 (Physiological activities of extracts from reproductive shoots and vegetative stems of horsetails, Equisetum arvense L)
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The Quality Characteristics of Sulgidduk Made with Equisetum Arvense Powder(쇠뜨기 가루를 첨가한 설기떡의 품질 특성)
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쇠뜨기(Equisetum arvense) 추출물의 항산화 활성 분석 및 α−glucosidase
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미용소재를 위한 쇠뜨기 생식줄기 추출물의 생리활성 (Physiological Activity of Equisetum arvense Fertile Stems Extracts as Beauty Materials)
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쇠뜨기, 메꽃, 애기수영, 질경이
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